Archive for August, 2010

Install Mac Mini Server without a DVD ROM Remotely

Sunday, August 29th, 2010

There is a number of ways to install a Mac Mini Server Remotely. I found the following way seems to be the easiest among the others.

1. you have a Mac Mini Server connected to a Network (preferably over Gigabit Ethernet)
2. you have a Mac Book connected to a the same Network with the Mac Mini Server (preferably over Gigabit Ethernet)

1. Insert the Installation DVD onto the Mac Book.
2. on your Mac Book, Open the HDD > Applications > Utilities, Start Remote Install Mac OS X
3. Press and Hold the “OPTION” key (or “ALT” on a PC Keyboard) on the Mac Mini Server and turn on the power
4. Select the Target Installation Disc to start up the computer

Enable Error Reporting for PHP

Thursday, August 5th, 2010

If you don’t have access to the php.ini or have issue setting up .htaccess to enable error reporting.

You can try the following code

ini_set( ‘display_errors’, true );
error_reporting( E_ALL );

Finding out the process is occupying the Network Port on Windows and Linux

Tuesday, August 3rd, 2010

You ever have a problem trying to start an application and it failed to start because the network port was occupied by another application? To find out the application that using the port is painstaking. The following commands could help you.

In the following example, I am trying to find what is the process that is occupying the port 8080.


C:\Documents and Settings\terence>netstat -aon | findstr 8080

C:\Documents and Settings\terence>tasklist | findstr 1748
TNSLSNR.EXE 1748 Console 0 6,264 K


[root@mail03a ~]# netstat -nap | grep 8080 | grep LISTEN
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 2685/openvpn