I have written a script to search for mac address on a cisco network – findmac 1.3b2

findmac is a utility written in Perl that helps administrators find out exactly which switch and which port a host is patched into. Only CISCO equipment with CDP enabled is currently supported. It is a very useful tool for administrators of large scale CISCO networks.

You can download it from here –

# ./ -h pigeon

findmac 1.0 by Terence Chan (26 Feb 2003)pigeon Mac Address is 08:00:20:A9:C3:E0
08:00:20:A9:C3:E0 is found on port FastEthernet0/1

# ./ -m 00-00-0c-07-ac-10

findmac 1.0 by Terence Chan (26 Feb 2003)This is a router.
00-00-0c-07-ac-10 is found on port 3/1

#./ -i -p -h pigeon

Quote: 1.3b by Terence Chan (6 March 2003)pigeon MAC Address is 08:00:20:A9:C3:E0
12F17.HF.SWT-A ( port 3/6 => (
sw-mcr-backbone-02 ( port FastEthernet0/19 => (
sw-mcr-backbone-01 ( port FastEthernet0/1 => 08:00:20:A9:C3:E0

2 Responses to “FINDMAC”

  1. kachan says:


    1. Password has a $ character
    2. –host option not working
    3. Switch Prompt must end with ‘#’

    1. Password contains ‘$’ dollar sign character Escape the ‘$’ character with a \
    eg $password=”!@#\$%^”;

    2. –host option not working when using –host,
    findmac will first use TCP ping to the host. I have noticed in some cases – host does not response to TCP ping.

    You can change the $PINGPROT in the initParameters section from “tcp” to “icmp”.
    Please note – Root privileges is required for ICMP ping.

    3. Switch Prompt must end with ‘#’
    Looks like it is a bug in Net-Telnet-Cisco. You will need to make sure the switch prompt end with # in order to have the script to work properly.

  2. kachan says:


    Unforunately, the current version of FindMac does not allow the use of the username. This will be changed in the next version.


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